chx and I gathered last week in Vancouver’s West End for a two-person performance sprint during the final code slush days, allowing us to finish several key improvements to Drupal’s database layer. Right afterward, many more people joined us for another sprint to port key modules to Drupal 7. People worked in-person, voluntarily over IRC, and involuntarily over IRC (lost passport).
I can say — without reservation — that our work was successful. We kicked off the weekend with Drupal 6 versions of Coder and Views. (Though there had been a touch of prior work on the Views port to Drupal 7’s new database layer.)
We ended the weekend with usable releases of both modules. The Coder release is already posted to its project page. Views work is ongoing, and I’m posting fresh tarballs throughout the day on the Four Kitchens server as work continues.
Help testing is great! Please post bugs for Coder back to its project and bugs for the Views port to the #D7CX sprint’s “Views for Drupal 7” Launchpad project.
We owe thanks to NowPublic for hosting the sprint in their downtown Vancouver offices. We collaborated over Bazaar version-control branches on Canonical’s free (as in beer and speech) Launchpad service.
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