Component-based theming has become a popular topic in recent years, especially in the Drupal community. Because of the Twig templating engine, Drupal 8 allows us to build with a more standardized component-driven approach, and then wire the components as needed in Drupal templates. This is fantastic news for those of us who want to create frontend systems that use their own logical organizational patterns (e.g., atomic design) and that can drive a living (always up-to-date) style guide.
Because there are so few how-to resources on this topic, I decided to create a video series that walks the viewer/learner through the process of moving from a template- or page-driven approach to this component-driven approach. You can find the videos on the Four Kitchens YouTube page, or bookmark this blog post!
Part 1: The problem
Part 2: The solution
Part 3: Nested components
Part 4: Filling in the gaps
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