Even though we have six weeks until DrupalCon Munich, I’ve already started scouring the schedule for interesting frontend talks. As you might know, one of my favorite topics is mobile web development and there’s plenty of interesting stuff this time around.
Having worked alongside Sam “Snugug” Richard on the drupal.org D7 upgrade efforts, I’m very excited to see his talk on Responsive Design with Sass+Compass. Not limited to Drupal, Sam is an active contributor to the Sass community, producing a number of awesome tools that make constructing responsive layouts a snap. This one is a must-see!
Ken Woodworth, one of the creators of the beautiful (and responsive) DrupalCon Denver site, has a session on designing and implementing flexible interfaces. Responsive interfaces are a lot more than a few lines of CSS, and insight into the responsive design process is !important
Angie “webchick” Byron will be giving a state of the union on Drupal 8. While it’s not specifically about RWD, Drupal 8 will be responsive out of the box. Best to get the scoop now.
Core conversations
For those not content with the general update from webchick, there are a number of Core Conversations that go in depth, covering the various efforts for core Drupal 8 development. And yes, several of these deal with making the next Drupal responsive.
John Albin, Drupal 8 mobile initiative lead, will give an update on the direction of D8’s responsive core themes, the mobile admin UX, and frontend performance. We will be sprinting the final day of sessions and possibly the day after. If you want to get involved, stop by #drupal-mobile on irc.freenode.net and say hi.
Join the discussion around Spark, Acquia’s distribution created to explore new authoring experiences designed from the ground up with responsive websites in mind.
Though it isn’t specifically about RWD, I couldn’t help but mention Théodore “nod_” Biadala’s discussion around the effort he is spearheading for better JavaScript in Drupal core. This talk will reveal how much more appealing Drupal 8 is going to be for frontend developers. Better tools FTW!
Last but not least, if you’re interested in hands-on training during DrupalCon Munich, Four Kitchens is offering a full-day responsive web design training August 20th, the day before sessions start. Visit our training page for a full topic listing. Space is limited, so register before it sells out!
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