“Americans deserve a government that works for them anytime, anywhere, and on any device,” said the President of the United States recently.
We find this news very exciting here at Four Kitchens, because we’ve been both believers and contributors to the open web right from the start.
In the early days, this meant supporting open source initiatives, which is why we have embraced Drupal and other open source alternatives.
The open web now also means content should be mobile friendly — making sure that everyone can have access to the same information, wherever they are, regardless of platform or device. Such freedom of information is exciting!
The President’s remarks and recent mandate that all government agencies make their sites mobile web friendly is a huge step towards continuing to open the web, and making content more and more accessible for those who need it, when they need it.
For example, one half of all local searches are now being performed via a mobile device. Taking this data into consideration becomes increasingly important as you realize that minorities tend to rely more on mobile web for their internet usage. Opening the web means local and often under-represented folks can have access to relevant information they need.
We’re eager to see how mobility will continue to change the way we consume information. In a great post entitled “The Mobile 50%,” Luke Wroblewski points out that we’re either close to or over the 50% mark in many different types of smartphone mobile usage. For example:
- 46% of US adults use smartphones
- The number of Internet companies with over 50% of traffic coming from mobile continues to grow
Mobile web, in its many forms, is here to stay. We look forward to a time when responsive design and mobile web friendly are not marketing buzzwords, but the standard in an open web environment.
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