Hi. I’m Tom. I work here at Four Kitchens and help clients with their analytics implementations. In my career, I’ve dug into the analytics setups for a lot of sites.
If I were to summarize the state of analytics configurations I’ve seen in a single graphic, it would look something like this:

The typical feedback I hear from each area would roughly translate as:
- “What’s a Google Analytics?”
- “Well, we put GA on the site five years ago, and that’s about it.”
- “We’ve got our own real-time custom attribution modeling tying our analytics to our CRM data in our Data Warehouse…”
The first thing to note: Regardless of where you are, you’re not alone.
If you’re in that A area and have never tracked your site before, you’ve got to start somewhere and we can help with that. I’ll appropriate an old quote here: The best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago. The second-best time is today. If you’re late to the analytics game, it’s not too late to start.
In my admittedly rough estimation, probably at least 9 out of 10 organizations fall into this middle B area of “we have some degree of analytics tracking set up on the site but know we should be doing a lot more to optimize it and understand what it’s really saying.” The great (and at times overwhelming) thing about digital analytics is that there are so many opportunities for improvement that you can prioritize what is really important to you. Maybe it’s conversion tracking, or automated reporting, or SEO analysis that keeps you up at night. We’ve seen it all. Let’s chat.
If you’re in area C, well your organization probably has a large marketing and BI team and you’ve already poured a lot of time and resources into a very customized setup. Hopefully, you are getting great insights out. Congrats!
The other thing you should note about the chart above is that the x-axis is subjective and relative to the different goals of every site. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to analytics and this only becomes more true as you move further to the right along that axis. You’re well aware of how important differentiation is to your company’s success. You work hard to craft a unique value proposition. Is your analytics implementation similarly configured to track what’s important to you?
A finely-tuned analytics setup is tailored to your site and your goals.
In this series of posts, I’m going to cover a lot of ground. We’ll review some common analytics myths and pitfalls to avoid as well as some tips and best practices that can help nudge you further to the right on that axis. Please share your feedback—I would love to hear from about any questions you might have. Talk to you soon.
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