Four Kitchens

AI at Four Kitchens, part 1: The benefits of using AI

6 Min. ReadDigital strategy

Artificial intelligence represents a profound technological revolution. In fact, AI may ultimately be the most impactful technology in human history. And like all new technologies, AI will be disruptive and used for both good and bad purposes.

At Four Kitchens, we’ve spent the past year-and-a-half closely monitoring the impact of AI on content creation, content strategy, web design, and engineering. But we haven’t just been passive observers. Since 2023, we’ve:

  • Built chatbots, custom GPTs, and other AI-powered features for clients
  • Contributed some of our AI work back to open-source projects
  • Established an AI Commission to ensure the responsible use of AI tools and services at Four Kitchens
  • Implemented a responsible AI use policy
  • Created a process for vetting AI tools for internal use

Along the way, we’ve learned a lot about AI’s strengths and weaknesses. In this post, we highlight some of the benefits of AI. Soon, we will share a post about the risks and hidden costs of AI. Our goal is to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of Four Kitchens’ approach to AI and inspire you to embrace this technology responsibly.

What we believe about using AI in our work

As an agency, we have a unique responsibility to inhabit two worlds. In one world, we are forward-thinking, imaginative, and experimental. In the other world, we are constrained by timelines, budgets, security, privacy, and accessibility concerns — to name a few. To do good work and maintain our clients’ trust, we must be meticulous, cautious, and pragmatic.

Our approach to AI also inhabits these two worlds. We are excited by the possibilities AI presents, but we are skeptical of its claims and fully aware of its limitations. We constantly try new AI tools, but we carefully vet them before adding them to our workflow. Above all, our use of AI — or our refusal to use it — must serve our clients’ best interests.

We believe AI tools are just tools, and they cannot fully replace human communication, ingenuity, or creativity. Rather, they can be used to increase efficiency and productivity. For example, tools like ChatGPT may be good for summarizing long-form content or generating ideas, but they cannot replace the human imagination or critical thinking.

While AI can dramatically improve the speed and quality of our work (by automating repetitive tasks and providing us with insights that we would not otherwise have), we should be highly selective about which AI tools we adopt and how we use them, ensuring we are using this technology in a way that is ethical and responsible.

Finally, we believe AI will change the way that we and our clients work, regardless of whether we actively use AI-based tools. If our clients are not using AI in their daily work, their competitors almost certainly are. Therefore, we should constantly experiment with AI tools and services so that we can help our clients stay ahead of the curve — even if we or our clients are reluctant to use AI in our own work.

ai experimentation generated image
Image generated by Ideogram

This image was generated using this prompt: A pixel-art masterpiece, reminiscent of retro gaming aesthetics, depicts a futuristic landscape. A diverse team of individuals collaborates, each using a unique toolset to construct innovative solutions to complex challenges. The scene exudes a sense of forward-thinking and experimentation, highlighting the importance of creativity in staying ahead of the curve. The vibrant colors and detailed pixel work create an engaging atmosphere, inviting viewers to explore the world and ponder the potential of unbridled ingenuity.

8 benefits of using AI (according to our Web Chefs)

When used mindfully and ethically, AI offers a wealth of advantages that can enhance our work and empower our clients.

  1. AI can automate or eliminate mundane and repetitive tasks, freeing up our time and mental resources to focus on higher-level and more strategic endeavors. This enables us to delve deeper into complex problems, engage in creative thinking, and provide our clients with more personalized and effective solutions. One Web Chef shared that simple daily tasks like plucking values from various spreadsheets to create reports is an example of AI’s helpfulness. “If I can explain what I want, AI will do it for me.”
  2. AI also serves as a powerful tool for research and ideation, aiding us in generating innovative ideas and solutions. By leveraging AI’s capabilities, we can explore vast amounts of data, identify patterns and trends, and make informed decisions based on real-time insights. We’re able to stay at the forefront of industry developments, anticipate market trends, and provide our clients with cutting-edge strategies that drive business growth. A Web Chef cited theme variations for conference proposals as a way AI can help “get the brain going and make the process more exciting.”
  3. By using AI-powered tools, we can generate high-quality, engaging, and informative new content, repurpose existing content for different platforms, and optimize content for search engines. This empowers us to deliver compelling and relevant insights to our clients’ target audiences, enhancing their online presence and driving website traffic.
  4. AI-powered analytics provides us with the opportunity to improve our content quality and gain insights into audience preferences, engagement metrics, and user behavior. Equipped with this knowledge, we can fine-tune our content strategy, create more engaging and effective content, and ultimately drive better results for our clients.
  5. AI empowers us to create more effective websites that cater to the unique needs of our clients’ target audiences. By leveraging AI-driven personalization, we can tailor website content, design, and user experience to individual users, enhancing their overall engagement and satisfaction. This leads to increased conversions, improved customer retention, and ultimately, greater business success for our clients. A Web Chef put it quite powerfully: “This new generation of personalization isn’t simply bumping some content to the top of the page for a broad audience — instead, we can generate specific content just for you.”
  6. AI enhances our problem-solving capabilities, allowing us to find answers more quickly and efficiently. By using AI-powered search engines and knowledge management systems, we can rapidly access relevant information and insights, empowering us to provide timely and accurate responses to our clients’ queries. One of our engineers offered, “AI gives me different perspectives and avenues to research. It helps me get out of a rut of thinking in one direction.” This responsiveness not only enhances client satisfaction but also positions us as a trusted and reliable partner.
  7. Using AI allows us to scale our impact and reach a wider audience. By leveraging AI-powered automation and content generation, we can produce and distribute high-quality content at scale, amplifying our reach and influence. One of our project leads recently shared that generative AI was able to customize time-tested workshop questions to meet a specific audience’s needs with incredible nuance. Using these tools allows us to serve a broader client base, expand our market presence, and drive exponential growth for our clients’ businesses.
  8. And finally, AI empowers us to serve multilingual audiences more effectively, breaking down language barriers and expanding our global reach. By using AI-powered translation and localization tools, we can create content that resonates with diverse audiences, ensuring the message is understood and appreciated by a global clientele. This opens up new markets, fosters cultural understanding, and drives international business growth.

We should constantly experiment with AI tools and services so that we can help our clients stay ahead of the curve.

ai perspective generated image
Image generated by Ideogram

This image was generated using this prompt: A pixel-art, retro gaming-style illustration that showcases a powerful technology that can be used for both good and evil. The scene is set in a futuristic landscape, where a diverse team of people attempt to harness this technology for their own purposes.

Want to learn more?

Interested in learning more about integrating AI into your website projects? Let’s talk about how AI can benefit your organization and your workflow.