DrupalCon Nashville has lifted the veil on sessions at this year’s event and we’re thrilled to be a part of it! Our Web Chefs will be giving talks, facilitating the Business Summit, and running BOFs, so keep an eye out for our green jackets. We’re always happy to have a conversation!
Building WebVR experiences with Drupal, React, and AFrame

Michal Minecki
Director of Technology at Four Kitchens

Patrick Coffey
Senior JavaScript Engineer at Four Kitchens
Recently there have been strides in web-based VR which enable producers to publish VR experiences via the web. Four Kitchens has been keeping an eye on these technologies and we want to share our experiences building real WebVR applications.
Continuous Integration Nirvana: Tricks to Reach Heavenly Automation

Joel Travieso
Senior Drupal Engineer at Four Kitchens
Any amount of automation is worth it, as long as it is effective. From simple things like manipulating pull request labels and ticket statuses, or using your CI engine to build your changelogs, to strategic operations like removing obsolete Pantheon environments or ensuring you always pick the right database for your build, little chunks of automation can substantially improve your workflow.
Deliver a more robust search with Search API and Solr

Adam Erickson
Senior Drupal Engineer

Jeff Tomlinson
Drupal’s core search can only take you so far. In this session, we will talk about what it takes to ramp up the search functionality of your site by using Search API and Solr. We can achieve this with the addition of a few modules, configuration adjustments, and the set-up of a view. We will take you from with getting a plan in place all the way through to monitoring your site’s search usage and looking for ways to make improvements.
Maintaining Design Consistency Across Every Channel

Randy Oest
Senior Designer and Frontend Engineer
With the growing shift towards a decoupled future a company’s presence is going to be represented by an ever-expanding collection of websites, apps, and talking speakers.
Maintaining design and tone consistency across those channels will be challenging but if done right, it can allow you to enter markets more quickly while keeping the style and tone of your company aligned.
Business Summit

Elia Albarran
Director of Operations
Elia will be co-leading the Business Summit, gathering and confirming speakers, giving feedback on the programming and schedule and emceeing the event.

Trasi Judd
Director of Support and Continuous Improvement
Trasi is speaking at the Summit with one of our South American partners, Alejandro Oses from Rootstack, on how to have a good partnership with near-shore vendors.
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